Sports World is Coming to Life; Get the Best Pay Per Head Software
Pay per head bookies having trouble keeping up with their competition requires new software. Keep reading for sportsbook software bookies can use to get ahead of their peers.
Your PPH sportsbook needs the right software to ensure success
It doesn’t matter whether you’re an experienced bookmaker or a bookie new to sportsbook operations, if you don’t have the right sports betting software, you won’t make money.
Yes, it’s that simple. Bookmakers who decide to go with a low-cost leading per head organization forget this.
“Low-cost” is another way to say “cheap”. Never forget the adage, “You get what you pay for.” It’s right in the smartphone industry.
It’s also true in the pay per head industry. If you’re a bookie that has partnered with a low-cost leader, keep reading.
Check out two of the essential software tools bookmakers require to ensure sportsbook success.

When the NBA returns, a layoff account is a must-have
The National Basketball Association has a plan in place to return to the courts. To protect profit, bookies require a layoff account.
Before getting into how to use the layoff account, check out specifics on the NBA’s return.
22-teams will compete in an 8-game round-robin to determine playoff seeds. Then, the NBA Orlando Playoffs happen. Check out the 22-teams along with their current NBA Championship odds.
- Boston Celtics +1800
- Brooklyn Nets +7000
- Dallas Mavericks +3300
- Denver Nuggets +2200
- Houston Rockets +1100
- Indiana Pacers +5500
- Los Angeles Clippers +325
- Los Angeles Lakers +225
- Memphis Grizzlies +12500
- Miami Heat +2500
- Milwaukee Bucks +250
- New Orleans Pelicans +12500
- Oklahoma City Thunder +6000
- Orlando Magic +15000
- Philadelphia 76ers +1800
- Phoenix Suns +30000
- Portland Trail Blazers +10000
- Sacramento Kings +20000
- San Antonio Spurs +20000
- Toronto Raptors +2000
- Utah Jazz +2000
- Washington Wizards +20000
When it comes to NBA Championship futures, most handicappers have settled on the Bucks, Lakers, and Clippers.
Although that makes some sense, be wary of wagers on underdogs. Remember, no team has played basketball competitively for months.
Ensure the health of your book. Make sure max betting limits are on every team among the 22 to win the NBA Championship.
Use layoff account on NBA games
Make sure to use your layoff account to off-set large wagers. There’s a process to do this.
Bookies could read a guide on how to become a bookie. Or, they could sign-up with a company like PayPerHead.com.
Since 1997, PayPerHead has provided essential tools for sportsbook success. Bookies can use the BetAlert, sometimes called the Instant Action Ticker, to know when a player has made a large wager.
Once the alert pings the bookie, the bookmaker can then use their layoff account to reduce their risk exposure to the wager.
But, bettors mustn’t overuse their layoff accounts. Per head agents must always remember that they run a sportsbook business.
They aren’t players. If a bookie overuses their layoff account to wager, they could get into a deep hole.
Bookie agents require a top-notch financial transaction system
Most new sportsbook owners ask the question, “How do bookies make money?”
Although that’s an important question, a more long-lasting one is what bookies do after making money. Bookmakers make money no matter what because sports bettors won’t win more than they lose.
The very best sports bettor makes about 10% over a long period. That’s what a professional sports bettor clears.
And, that’s only the very best professional sports betting handicapper.
So, a bookie will make money. But what do they do with that money, and how do they ensure they make more money?
The only way to keep an online sportsbook successful is to use a workable agent payment system. A pay per head financial transaction system like the Agent Payment Solution (APS®) secures a bookies’ finances.
It also allows players to deposit right through the system.
In finance, two keywords assure business success. Those two keywords are “cash” and “flow”.
The very best bookie financial transaction systems allow a sportsbook operator to ensure cash flows into her business, back to players in terms of payouts, and then to the bottom line.
Cash must always flow so that pph agents can progress their sportsbooks.
Top bookie agents use Pay Per Head bookie software
The top pay per head service providers offer a viable financial transaction system, including BTC and Ethereum capabilities, and a layoff account.
But that’s not all the best sportsbook software does. Before the first MLB game on July 23 or July 24, and for two weeks after, bookies can use PayPerHead.com’s software for free.
That’s almost a month of top bookie software at no charge. Then if bookies decide they like the software, they can choose one of two pph sportsbook plans.
Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association, and the National Hockey League all return in late July. Ready your sportsbook by signing up with PayPerHead.