Being a Bookie can Take Enormous Amounts of Time
Running an online sportsbook can quickly become time consuming. A Bookie is regularly looking at ways to make life easier. Technology has helped a lot in that regard in the last twenty years and the industry continues to develop new products/tools.
#1 Way to Make Your Life Easier as a Bookie
Want to know what the best way is to make your life as a bookie easier?
You need to partner with a reputable pay per head (PPH) service. A PPH will handle a lot of the tasks a bookie needs to handle, such as accepting bets, grading bets and managing the betting lines.
PPH services provide the best sportsbook solution to make your life as a bookie easier.
Here are some of the ways a PPH will make your life easier:
● Automated Accounting: PPH services will track everything happening in your sportsbook and present the data in reports. These reports will help you make important business decisions, plus your accounting will be handled at the end of every month.
Tired or tracking every wager, balance and transaction using Excel? PPH services automate the accounting and you can even export the data to Excel with the click of a button.
● Manpower: You don’t need to hire a website developer, linemakers, support reps or clerks (grading wagers, etc.) when you partner with a PPH. You’ll save money and your life will be easier, as a lot of the operational duties are now handled by the PPH.
Want to have players calling you up on NFL Sunday because they need to get bets down and can’t access their online account? Want to have a player call you at 11PM to place an NBA bet because their internet is down? The best PPH sites have call centers to handle these issues.
Your players can call into the call center 24/7 for support or to place bets.
● Find Agents: Start trying to find potential agents to work under you. As a master agent, your goal is to find sub-agents with active players. The sub-agent handles everything and you act as the bank. At the end of the week you pay a percentage of the profits to the agent.

You can make your life as a bookie easier by transitioning to a master agent role.
Don’t do this until you understand the business, have your own sportsbook bringing in money and have a sizable bankroll to deal with any losses. Remember, as a master agent you’re the bank.
If a sub-agent loses $10,000 in a month running his betting sheet, that loss is on you to pay.
However, if you train up the right sub-agents, you can make a killing off their clients and work, while you simply make sure everything is running smoothly behind the scenes.
Work smarter, not harder. By partnering with a pay per head, you’ll put yourself in the best position to succeed. Just make sure you join a reputable pay per head with lots of experience.
There will still be tough days as a bookie, but PPH shops definitely make your life easier.
Learn more about Pay Per Head:
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