Do You Control the Rules at Your Bookie Business?
Your bookie business should be booming, and it should be earning you a six-figure income. Is this happening? If not, we have a few friendly suggestions to help you get on the right track and start earning what you are worth. There is one, hard and fast rule that you must know right now; if you are not online, then get online today. Don’t put this off, don’t delay any longer.
Your clients are running to the competition simply because you don’t have what they want to bet on. They love you, and they want to stay with you, but they can’t. We get it, it’s fun being a local bookie and you love doing this. You should love this job but at the same time, you should be earning what you are worth. There is a pile of money to be made from an online casino and racebook and the sad reality is this – you can’t offer either of these without an online presence.
· You are the boss; you are the rules maker. What you say goes and how you interact with your clients is your call. There is only one effective way to find an online presence quickly and affordably, which is with a pay per head. There are a ton of per head sportsbook providers online, some of them are great, and some of them are not so great. We can tell you a few of the key elements to look for when choosing the PPH provider for you.

· Do they offer you a free website, custom-built to your specifications? If they do not offer a free website, then do not sign up with them. Here is the best way to look at this… You want a PPH that offers a free gaming website for several reasons, but the number one reason is cost. Think of the many great online sportsbooks that you can dial up with a Google search right now. Think of how complicated those websites are.
· Wagering is one of the best examples of the above… When you dial up any online sportsbook, you will notice something. You see all of the day’s events placed neatly into categories and they are broken down into subcategories. Most of the best websites have an easy to use interface that makes for interacting and placing bets, a snap. Building this kind of page is not easy, it’s extremely difficult and it takes programmers with the knowledge and skills to do such a thing. This costs a lot of money.
· If you were to build a gaming website from scratch, you would need to hire site builders that have the programming and coding knowledge to do such a thing. This will easily start in the $5,000 range and quickly work its way up. There are hundreds of man-hours, if not thousands of man-hours involved in building such a site.
· The PPH has come along with the best bookie software and now they are offering this service for a nominal charge of around $7-$13 per head, per week. The website is free, and you will have access to an exclusive .com address for you and your clients. You never pay for clients that do not play. If they play once during the week, you pay the one time, weekly fee. If they play an unlimited number of times for the week, you pay the same, one-time fee.
· You set all of the ground rules for your sportsbook. The PPH does not tell you what to do or how to do it. By all means, find a pay per head service that is willing to help you and give you support on a 24/7 basis. Find a PPH that offers a toll-free hotline that’s available from the USA and find a PPH that offers gaming-friendly agents who speak English.
There is no reason to not be earning a six-figure income right now. You can be if you find the best pay per head services and take advantage of their free website offer. Don’t pay for this service. You should never be asked to build your site. No way, no how! Find a PPH that’s willing to give you a free trial of the software and get started in a day or two.
More information at : your bookie business